Albatrozz update movie (maart 2022)

Important Milestone for Albatrozz, “design freeze”
New and important milestone for Albatrozz! After hard work and thorough development, the design is now final (the “design freeze”). The design is based on oscillating “flaps” in a modular concept that can easily be applied to all brands and types of wind turbines. The simulations have been executed with promising results and the design […]

Collaboration Albatrozz and Pure Energie
Innovative test wind turbine in Flevoland Pure Energie will facilitate Albatrozz by temporarily converting one of its wind turbines in Flevoland into a test set-up. To this end, a collaboration agreement was signed this week, giving Albatrozz the opportunity to test the patented technology on a practical scale. More energy yields, at lower wind speeds. […]

Contract signed for design and modification of a V52 windturbine
Albatrozz BV and Business in Wind have signed a contract for the build of the #Albatrozz invention into an V52 turbine. Albatrozz BV is a game-changing, patented technology to increase the lift of a blade at lower wind speeds up to 100%. The technology is inspired by the wing-movements of large seabirds like the albatross. […]

Europees octrooi voor Albatrozz
Europees octrooi brengt Windenergie-onderzoek aan de RUG verder in stroomversnelling Lees hier het hele artikel https://www.rug.nl/fse/news/european-patent-further-accelerates-wind-energy-research-at-the-ug

Gezocht: testwindmolen!
Gezocht: windmolen om innovatie te testen Albatrozz is een start-up bedrijf uit de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Het bedrijf en de RUG werken aan een nieuwe methode waarmee de electriciteitsopbrengst bij lage windsnelheden sterk verbeterd kan worden. De initiatiefnemers van Albatrozz zijn op zoek naar een locatie om een prototype in de praktijk te testen gedurende een […]

From paperclip to patent
Recently, an article appeared on the magazine of University of Groningen regarding the Albatrozz-patent. To read the article (in Dutch) click here.

Albatrozz will be present in the start-up zone during the WindDays at the WTC Rotterdam on 12 and 13 June.

Growth of Clean Energy Part of Solution, Not a Problem
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae orci sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam eu elit nisi. Donec luctus ligula vel nisi pellentesque, vitae posuere sem commodo. Suspendisse vel lobortis ante, lacinia porta lectus. Pellentesque finibus dictum massa ornare pharetra. Curabitur laoreet ac […]